Volume 5, No. 2 , Fall 2010
30th Anniversary Volume:
Honoring the KJSNA Founders
Gregory J. Walters | Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada
A celebration of the life and work of Leonard H. Ehrlich and Edith Ehrlich on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Karl Jaspers Society of North America.
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Eulogy for Leonard H. Ehrlich
Carl S. Ehrlich | York University, Toronto, Canada
In Memoriam Leonard H. Ehrlich
April 2, 1924, Vienna, Austria - June 8, 2011, Hingham, Massachusetts.
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Fragments Of A Philosophical Autobiography
Leonard H. Ehrlich | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
This essay gives a biographical account of the author's experiences during the years leading up to the Holocaust in Austria, his emigration to the United States and life there, and an overview of his personal philosophical reflections. Five of its sections could not be completed due to the author's passing on.
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Jaspers' Thought: Its Meaning, Effect, Timeliness
Leonard H. Ehrlich | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jaspers' thinking is motivated by transcending reason, radical time-consciousness, and the phenomenon of spiritual creativity and value-directedness. The fundamental question of truth for time-bound man is at the core of Jaspers' thinking, which he takes up with respect to mankind's age-old experience with the tradition of philosophical, religious, and literary thought. His works attain significance when historically diverse fundamental truths meet in communicative openness and tolerance. This pertains to Jaspers' history of philosophy, to political thought, the philosophy of religion, and his vision of a "world philosophy" no less than to his systematic works. Jaspers' influence can be measured by his world-wide appeal. | | 
Suffering in Nietzsche: Motive and Mask
Edith Ehrlich | KJSNA Founding Member
This essay presents two chapters from my (unpublished) book, based on my doctoral dissertation, Suffering in Nietzsche: Motive And Mask. The first chapter, "The Problem," poses the question of my research, the second chapter "The Conclusion" was previously published in German and Serbo-Croatian with the title "Suffering: Motive and Mask."
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List of Publications
Leonard H. Ehrlich|
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
A comprehensive list of publications by Leonard H. Ehrlich compiled by Leonard H. Ehrlich in 2009, edited and updated by Helmut Wautischer in October 2011.
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