1, Nos 1-2, Fall 2006
Philosophy, Religion, and Politics
Karl Jaspers' Conceptions
of the Meaning of Life
Salamun |
University of Graz, Austria
The thesis is explicated, that we
can finally distinguish three conceptions of the meaning of
life in Jaspers' philosophy. This thesis is grounded on the
distinction of two different periods of Jaspers' philosophizing:
an early period of his existential philosophy, and a later
period, when Jaspers rejected the terms "Existentialism"
or "existential philosophy" for his philosophizing
and preferred to call it a "philosophy of reason." In
the early period, Jaspers holds the following two positions:
(1) The
idea of
realising the meaning of life by overcoming boundary situations
in the right way, and (2) the idea of realising the meaning
of life by interpersonal existential communication. In the
period he holds (3) the position of realising the meaning
of life by a life governed by reason.
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Reading Ciphers with
Jaspers and Ricoeur
Courtney |
Drew University
This essay revisits and prolongs the debate
on religion between Karl Jaspers and Paul Ricoeur. I seek to
show that they agree on many basic points and that their differences
are best characterized as non-oppositional. Both thinkers reject
authoritarian religion and the claim to exclusivity and universality
that often accompanies it. In a 1957 critique of Jaspers, Ricoeur
defines their positions as salvation versus speculation. In
response, I cite texts showing (1) that Jaspers makes room
for the kind of religious specificity that Ricoeur affirms
and (2) that for Jaspers philosophy's role is to prepare the
way for the ultimate experience. Whereas Ricoeur holds that
Jaspers both traps himself in negativity and floats in vain
poetizing, I contend that a careful reading of Jaspers reveals
a movement from fear to leap to serenity. As for Ricoeur, I
suggest that his hermeneutics of the originary language of
religion, developed over the past four decades, can plausibly
be seen as a Jaspersian reading of ciphers.
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Beyond Liberal and Conservative:
Freedom, Transcendence, and the Human Condition in Arendt,
Jaspers, and Niebuhr
M. Nichols |
University of Rhode Island
In this essay, I explore the possibility
and desirability of finding a middle ground between the ideologies
of liberalism and conservatism as brought to light in the intersection
of political theory, philosophical reflection, and Christian
theology within the thought of Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers,
and Reinhold Niebuhr. I argue that only in the opening of such
a mediate space of freedom, defined in the relation of human
nature to Transcendence via the revelatory power of ciphers
of being, can human beings discover their own individual and
collective meaningfulness and summon the wherewithal to transform
the world through communicative action. Within this context,
I also reflect on the role of education as a vehicle for actualizing
authentic or inauthentic modes of being.
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The Philosophy of History
in Hegel, Heidegger, and Jaspers
A. Erickson |
Pomona College
In this reflection I consider History as
understood through Hegel, Heidegger, and Jaspers. Reviewing
Hegel's claims that philosophy is both the child of its time
and its time comprehended in thought, I note the French Revolution
as decisive for Hegel's account of History. Reviewing Hegel's
claim that History is now "over," I consider Hegel's
view that History has been progressive and that the decisive
historical period is the present. I turn to Heidegger's "decline"
theory of the unfolding of philosophical ideas, reviewing the
between Hegel and Heidegger in viewing the history of philosophical
ideas as the driving force of History. Noting the close connection
Heidegger had to Nietzsche's understanding of the Greeks,
I reflect on Heidegger's attitude toward the axial mind.
Having considered Heidegger's notion that we must somehow get
back into an authentic History, I end with a reflection on the
virtues of Jaspers humane blend of Enlightenment ideals with
a contextualized historical sensitivity.
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The Looming Clouds of
a Stateless Totalitarianism of the Spirit
K. Khazaee |
California State University at Long Beach
Since al-Qhaedeh's surreal attacks on American
soil on 9/11, its rise and expansion has been the subject of
much debate, at times suggesting that it is totalitarian and
stateless, albeit with no theoretical support. The
two presuppositions can be very disturbing, especially when
combined with the introduction
of contagious, incurable biological weapons. This essay throws
light on the terrorist quasi-organization al-Qhaedeh by hypothesizing
that its marked features are indeed totalitarian and stateless.
To test the first conjecture, it refers, by comparison, to
works of Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers, who were deeply concerned
with and wrote extensively on totalitarianism. To test the
second conjecture, it compares al-Qhaedeh to the elements of
"state" in
political theory, and demonstrates some of the difficulties to
defeat a stateless, invisible, deadly enemy pursuant a perpetual
state of asymmetrical war. As for totalitarianism, this essay
contends, by analogy, that Jihadism, like National Socialism
and Bolshevism, relies on the Unity of the Goal, Oneness of the
Book, Certainty of the Utopia, and necessity of Singular Leadership
to structure and shepherd its cause as a united front to withstand
the overwhelming pressures of international community. Other
characteristics of totalitarianism are the use of brute force,
militarism and paramilitarism, propaganda and indoctrination,
youth schools, suicidal loyalty, purging and liquidating, and
secrecy and rituals. Nonetheless, in spite of sharing all these
features with National Socialism and Bolshevism, al-Qhaedeh lacks
statehood: it is not planted in any specific piece of land, does
not depend on any particular population, and technically has
no government. Thus, it is irrelevant to any notion of sovereignty.
This ghostlike, seemingly invincible condition becomes an evermore
serious threat when armed with nuclear and biological weapons.
Particularly with regard to "black biology," it is conceivable
that a bio-suicide terrorist can self-infect with an incurable
contagious "binary," or "designer," or "zoonotic," or
asymptomatic "stealth" silent
killer, and consequently bring the human species to extinction.
Can a rift of light appear in these looming clouds of a stateless
totalitarianism of the spirit?
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The Relationship of Religion and Politics under Conditions of Modernity and Globality: An Hegelian Account
Andrew Buchwalter | University of North Florida
This paper explores Hegel's distinctive account of the relationship of religion and politics, focusing on the manner in which it articulates the aims and assumptions of modern political thought while supporting cross-cultural dialogue and the possibility of a differentiated global culture. The paper details first how, for Hegel, the institutions of modern political life depend for their legitimacy and stability on an enabling culture whose underlying structure is religious. Second, it explicates the manner in which Hegel, via a distinctive reception of Protestantism, fashions a specifically modern notion of the common good, one committed to diversity and to ongoing processes of collective self-reflection. Third, it argues that while Hegel accepts modern notions of the separation of church and state, he does so with recourse to a political culture that is not only defined through religion but for which the very church-state separation is understood as a social construction whose particular configuration is the result of ongoing processes of cultural self-definition. Fourth, while Hegel's idea of a civil religion is inextricably intertwined with the historical legacy of Christianity, that concept of Christianity is shown to support a form of social criticism that not only challenges Western categories but displays an openness both to other beliefs and traditions and to the idea of a global ethos supportive of and constituted by them.
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Faith and Reason: Isaac
and Ishmael Revisited
M. Olson |
Boston University
The essay begins with a retelling of the
well-known Bible story of Ishmael and Isaac in order to provide
a biblical context, or subtext, as the case may be, for the
title of JaspersÂ’ book, Der philosophische Glaube angesichts
der Offenbarung, and the basic question he raises, namely,
"can the two faiths (viz., philosophy and theology)
meet?" The essay concludes, with Jaspers, that constructive
dialogue unlikely
if not impossible because theological discourse in the monotheistic
traditions of the Middle East is controlled by the genetic
fallacy and the persistent confusion of truths based
on alleged facts and values for which axiological
arguments should be made but usually are not because of the
fear of relativizing
truth-claims. The essay concludes by suggesting that a move
towards toleration through the acknowledgement of value-pluralism
is the only way philosophy and theology can engage in constructive
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Machedicy, Or Just War Theory in an "Age of Terror"
Bradley L. Herling | Marymount Manhattan College
This essay investigates dominant form of contemporary just war theory, which I call "machedicy." "Machedicy" (mache, "war/battle," and dike, "justice/right") evokes the traditional connection between just war theory and the theological effort to decode the problem of evil in the West, namely "theodicy." By tracing this connection, the essay leads up to a critique of contemporary just war theory, which retains theologically driven concepts of evil and justification. In Augustine and Aquinas, war is closely linked to the asymptotic abyss that is evil, and when filtered through the intervention of modern concepts (the "warre.of every man, against every man" in Hobbes and "absolute war" in von Clausewitz), terrorism becomes the greatest evil of all. This positioning of terrorism as the abyss facing the modern liberal state leads to distortions in our response to it, including the decision to revert to torture. These symptomatic distortions are present in the work of Michael Walzer and Michael Ignatieff, who trade on the traditional machedicy discussed earlier in the paper. In the end, the essay advocates a return to Kantian and Arendtian proposals, for the idea of inflicting more suffering under the guise of "necessary evils" seems to be a contradiction within the canon of reason itself.
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